
Creating Europe through Racialized Mobilities (CERM) is an umbrella project for different case studies and publications relating to research on racialized (im)mobilities in Europe.

As a contested site of imagination, Europe is fraught with internal differentiation and hierarchies. Some parts of Europe are perceived as inhabited by more proper European subjects, while others are perceived as ‘less developed’ or ‘failed.’ Still others are excluded from the space of Europe.

Recognizing (Im)mobilities as strongly differentiated on lines of class, race, and gender, this platform draws on interdisciplinary perspectives from anthropology, decolonial and postcolonial theories. The research theoretical orientation can be simplified into two interlinked themes: The racialization of mobility within and across Europe, and mobility and Europe from the margins.


The project is led by Dr. Kristín Loftsdóttir, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Iceland, and funded by the Icelandic Research Fund (grant no. 207062-051) and University of Iceland Research Fund.

The key research questions are:

  1. How do racialization, gender, and class intersect in the life of mobile subjects in and across Europe? What do interlinked mobilities say about the creation of particular Europeans as racialized subjects?
  2. How does mobility at Europe’s margins work toward generating understandings of ‘Europe’? How can mobilities at Europe’s margins can be used to explore the idea of Europe as created through discourses about external and internal others?

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“Hidden stories”: An article in the journal Interventions

The article “Hidden stories: Plaster busts in Gran Canaria as Folded Objects” gives insights into Kristín Loftsdóttir’s research into the bust collection in Gran Canaria, where she positions the busts as folded objects in Amade M’charek’s sense. She asks in the article how the process of “unfolding” [...]

Procesos históricos: revista de historia, arte y ciencias sociales

This special issue of Procesos históricos: revista de historia, arte y ciencias sociales focuses importantly on multiculturalism and whiteness. It is edited by J. M. Persánch and Yolanda Aixelá Cabré. Kristín Loftsdóttir‘s article in the special issue is gives insight from the Nordic countries (the article is [...]

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