Tourists in the Canary Islands

Kristín Loftsdóttir gave a presentation entitled “One point five percent of the Nation: Transnationalism in the Canary Islands and Icelandic Travelers” (Eitt komma fimm prósent þjóðarinnar: Þverþjóðleiki Kanaríeyja og íslenskir ferðalangar), at the 14th conference on Icelandic Society.  The conference was hosted by the University Centre of the Westfjords and held in Ísafjörður, during April 24th – 25th 2020. The title of the Conference was “Society and Nature – Head to head or hand in hand?”   

In the presentation Kristín gave an insight into Icelandic tourist mobilities in the Canary Islands, mapping out tourist perceptions of Gran Canaria and Tenerife as a place. These were first results from analysis of interviews with tourists from Iceland travelling to these two islands. The presentation positioned the Icelandic mobilities as a part of wide and diverse mobilities to the islands from Northern Europe.