The 17th EASA Biennial Conference was celebrated in Belfast on 26-29 July 2022. The CERM project researchers, Kristín Loftsdóttir and Ignacio Fradejas-García, presented an article within the panel “Navigating hurdles and pacing (im)mobilities in times of corona”

This panel was convened by Chrysi Kyratsou (Queen’s University Belfast), Noel B. Salazar (KU Leuven) and Marta Kempny (Ulster University). They wanted to debate “people’s experience and agentive navigation of (im)mobility regimes in times of corona. Considering the pace of (im)mobilities, it explores transformations of pre-existing differential mobility regimes through the distinguishing lens of essential and non-essential travel.”

The presentation by Kristín Loftsdóttir and Ignacio Fradejas-García, “The Mobility Experts: Circumnavigating Mobility Rules in the Atlantic Migration Route to Europe”, revolved around the expert knowledge and its uses to confront antimigration and racialized mobility regimes in the EU, based on their on-going fieldwork in the Canary Islands.

The panel’s success, due to the variety and quality of contributions, has convinced the panel convenors to organize a Special Issue that will be published in a renowned anthropological journal in 2024 or early 2025. Kristín and Ignacio will contribute with an article based on their research.