Kristín Loftsdottir and Ignacio Fradejas-García participated at the XVI SIEF congress (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) in Brno, Check Republic, 7-9 June of 2023. This biannual congress meets around 1000 anthropologists, ethnologists, and folklorists from Europe and from all around the world.

Kristín and Ignacio have co-organized the panel “Into the unknown: uncertainness as the common condition of mobilities” within the Working Group on Migration and Mobility and have co-presented the paper “Migration crisis in the Canary Islands: creating opportunities within uncertainties”.

Considering the high quality of the presentations and the interesting panel debates, Kristín and Ignacio, along with most of the panel authors, are organizing a Special Issue in the journal Mobilities, in which they will explore the complex relations between (in)mobility and uncertainty. Stay tuned.